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Asbestos Removal

Suspect asbestos? Get in touch for a free quotation and very competitive pricing for testing, decontamination, disposal, and proper abatement, whether removal or encasement.

Asbestos is in many structures built before 1984 and is a serious health risk regulated by the Ontario government. Asbestos is a natural fibre used due to its durability, strength, and fire resistance and is often mixed with other materials making it difficult to identify–testing suspect material is the only way to know if asbestos is present.

Building materials that may contain asbestos include, but are not limited to:

  • Vermiculite attic insulation
  • Acoustic ceiling tiles
  • Roofing materials
  • Wrapped pipes including ductwork, pipes, and boilers
  • Cement sheet, decorative ceiling and wall coatings
  • Joint compounds around windows

Pure Environmental will not only enclose the affected area; we will treat the asbestos and remove it, then HEPA vac and wipe down the entire area, and as well can also provide air testing upon completion assuring you everything is now safe. Did we mention we offer very competitive pricing? Contact us for a free no obligation quotation! Your guide to hiring an asbestos abatement company.

Your 1st Choice for Asbestos Remediation in Southern Ontario